Other product names and logos are trademarks of their. Most topics will be kept to PG levels with combat descriptions mainly only getting to R levels. Hero Lab is a registered trademark, and the Hero Lab logo is a trademark of LWD Technology, Inc. Overall bringing great amounts of fun and entertainment first, evoking a sense of wonder as is possible. Will also provide a background atmospheric soundtrack for the Adventures. As well as teaching Role playing in general also teaching the game rules in an easy to understand fun manner. For example, if all characters with powers are mutants, then all powers have the mutant descriptor by definition, unless the player comes up with a good explanation why they should not. Will also be teaching Theater of the mind to use the awesome imagination that everyone has to have a unique entertaining experience better then any provided story/movie can. Mutants & Masterminds Forum Hero Conversions Hero Lab Character Sheet Character Generator Condition Cards Hero Art by Storn Cook. A fully realized cast of non-player characters as well as teaching how to role play to layers if desired. Bringing maps and visual handouts for the players to use as well. Also providing tons of purchased books plus pre-made Characters with Portraits. What I provideīringing the Hero Labs software. If a player has access to the free Hero Labs demo to go over it will help them quickly pick up the guide. Getting familiar with Discord for audio is beneficial but not necessary. The only things a player needs for this game is a microphone.